Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 9: Doll Christmas Lists (Part 2)

Hey girls!  Now it's time for Day 9!  Wow, December has gone so fast!  I can't believe it will soon be January (2014!!!) and in 2 months it will be my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!  I can't believe it! ;)  Anyways, back to the present! :) 
For Part 2, you will need:
An AG magazine (that you don't mind cutting)
Your doll Christmas List

First, cut out of the magazine what your doll wants!

After you've cut it out, make sure it looks nice, then..

Put some tape on the back (but turn it over like that ^)

Then, stick them on your card, and write what your dolls want!
There you go! :) A simple, easy Doll Christmas List!
What do your dolls want for Christmas?

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