Monday, February 16, 2015

Caption That Doll Picture #15 + Results of CTDP #14

Hey girls!
Sorry this is late, but I posted my Valentine's Day Party special photo story on Saturday instead of this, which normally won't happen unless there's a holiday on a Saturday. :D
So, anyways, all of your captions were amazing, but of course only one can win.  So I picked 4, you guys voted, and here are the results of CTDP #14....drumroll please.......................................
Congratulations to Sophia!  Her caption:
Mallory: Okay, who did it?
Saige: I don't know, but I do know it wasn't me! *fidgets with dress nervously*
Mallory: Saige! You ruined it!
Saige: Uhm, oh, I heard the oven! Your cookies are done.
Mallory: Cookies! What were we talking about?
And, now for Caption That Doll Picture #15...
 Oh no!  Meatloaf the naughty dog has gotten into the Valentine's Day treats!  What do you think Kit and Molly are saying?  Submit your caption by commenting it below, using the contact me form on my blog, emailing it to me at or PMing/replying to the topic of any MB's I'm on!  Thanks, and good luck to everyone!  My top 3 will be posted on Thursday along with a poll, and the winner + Caption That Doll Picture #16 will be posted on Saturday.
Good luck!
P.S. Be sure to check out the AGDS Weekly and our 2 years blogaversary posts below! :D


  1. Thanks! :) Here's my caption for this one:
    Molly: Meatloaf, no!
    Kit: Why don't you like meatloaf? It's better than ham.
    Molly: Not the food, the dog!
    Kit: You eat dogs? I'm calling the dog abuse network!
    Molly: Kit, I don't eat dogs.
    Kit: What's wrong with hot dogs?
    Haha, thanks again!

  2. kit: ah!!!!!! meatloaf! i just brushed your teeth!
    molly: poor meatloaf. he's allergic to tooth brushes!
    kit: uh? but thats silly, he's eating moms chocolates and nobody can be allergic to brushing your teeth!?
    molly: dogs are.
    kit: mOMMMY!!!!!!!

  3. Molly:oh no chocolate is not for dogs
    Kit: call the vet!

  4. Kit: Hey, Molly! You want to go split the last of the left over valentine chocolates?
    Molly: Sure!
    Molly and Kit walk to the kitchen to see Meatloaf chowing down on the left over chocolate.
    Molly grabs Meatloaf away.
    Kit: Aw, I really wanted some candy!
    Molly: That's what you're worried about? Meatloaf could get sick!
    Kit: But I really wanted candy...


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