Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Missing Tiara Part 3

Guess what time it is?? Part 3 time!  xD So here's Part 3!  Enjoy, and please comment what you think!

It was a bright sunny morning and Kit was taking Meatloaf on a walk. She still hadn't found out what happened to Sydney Lee's tiara.

Meatloaf stopped to play with a butterfly when Kit and Meatloaf heared an ear-piercing scream.

Kit turned to see Mallory.  "What?" asked Kit.  "FASHION EMERGENCY!" cried Mallory, "LOOK AT YOUR DRESS!!!?  NO ACCESSORIES?  AND YOUR SHOES-Kit, you should know Mary Janes are SO LAST SEASON!"

"Ugh.  Whatever, Mal, who cares about fashion anyway?"

Mallory gasped and strutted off as if she were on a fashion runway.  Kit sighed and rolled her eyes, when she saw Ruthie and Sydney Lee walk over.

"Hey!" said Sydney Lee, hand in hand with Ruthie.  What? Kit thought, Earlier when I asked if Ruthie would want to come on a walk, she said she was too busy.  But right now she's hanging out with Sydney Lee? 

"Have you found my tiara yet?" asked Sydney Lee.

"Um, no, not yet.  Do you guys want to come with me and Meatloaf on our walk?"

"Well, er, no thanks!" said Ruthie, "Syd?"  "Yeah, we'd better go," chimed in Sydney Lee, "talk to you later!"  "Bye," said Kit.  Why is Ruthie spending so much time with Sydney Lee?  I thought I was her BFF!

Ruthie waved and the two walked off.

Kit waved back, when suddenly something shiny caught her eye.  Wait was that....

SYDNEY LEE'S TIARA!?  Kit gasped!  She started to walk to get it when..

A little hand reached out and pulled the tiara out of Kit's reach.  Kit was shocked, and she turned to see where the person had gone.  No one was in sight!  Kit sighed, she hadn't gotten anywhere.
Who do you think took the tiara?  And why?  And who's hand do you think Kit saw?
Stay tuned for Part 4!
Please comment who you think took it :)


  1. Hola!

    It's Jojessreb! ACK, the suspense! I think Ruthie took it and that she has Sydney Lee in on it, also I think the hand was a hallucination *waves arms to create eerie wavy effect*.

    Anyway, good job!

  2. pretty good. the hand looked like a bitty twin or bitty baby hand.

  3. am2119 is me amara from the message board agrocks2119!

  4. HIHIHIHIHIH!!!!!!! you dont know me but i am a agfan and i looooooovvveee your blog! i found it on the american girl fan mb! i'm not a member but i read the mb everyday! i think you are cool! and i have a question for you, is your og dolls hair as good as american girl hair? i wanna get one and i have two ags molly and rebecca ( historicals )

  5. You were awarded the elegant blogger award on!

  6. You've been awarded on for the elegant blogger award!


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